STV Childrens Appeal
On Friday 3rd November, the Bass Rock Ceilidh Band were delighted to attend the live show of the STV Childrens Appeal in Gogarburn, Edinburgh.

We were on the couch with Sean Batty and Jennifer Reoch, and handed over a cheque for £500 which was raised from soem ceilidhs we had organised in Glasgow and Linlithgow.
There are many reasons we support the STV Childrens Appeal (which raised over £2.6m this year;
100% of the money raised stays in Scotland
It helps children living in poverty (one in four children in Scotland!)
Some of the charities which benefit from the money raised are local (Riverkids, FCDWL) in addition to charities which affect us personally (Glasgow Childrens Hospital Charity)
You can watch the show here;
Keep your eyes peeled for our next fundraiser for this fantastic cause!